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All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Long gone are the days when the freedoms we take so much for granted today as Americans were at risk of being lost but for the brave men who left their small hometown of South Amboy to go off to war and fight for us.

Imagine for a moment what it must have been like back then for the young soldiers and sailors going into battle and wondering if they would live to see tomorrow or ever make it home alive. Picture their families who said goodbye and prayed for their safe return and the prayers that were not answered with so many never making it back home. Consider how different our world would be today without their bravery and unwavering commitment and the consequences if either of the world wars were lost.

All those who have served in the military should be honored for their service and personal sacrifice and certainly none more than the fallen. All veterans who saw battle were deeply affected by their experience, even those who were lucky enough to make it home and back to their families.

Some brave young men gave all and made the ultimate sacrifice for their county. They fell on the battlefields, were lost at sea and in the air during bombing raids. As a community we need to remember their names, tell their stories and make sure they are not forgotten.

Please join us in our efforts to keep their memories alive with our ongoing veterans’ projects. We are honored to join the City of South Amboy to remember those brave men from South Amboy who were killed in action for the Veterans Memorial Sign Dedication on Nov 9th. ~ Lest we forget ~

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