In Remembrance...

Jerry Pizzillo
There are no words to describe the loss of Jerry Pizzillo, one of the most active and indispensable members of the Historial Society of South Amboy.
Jerry was always on the hunt for local treasures and is responsible for obtaining many of the vintage artifacts currently on display at our History Gallery on Broadway. He knew and loved South Amboy's history and never passed up the chance to share his immense knowledge with anyone interested in listening.
The list of things Jerry did for the HSSA is endless and his contribution to our local history is immeasurable. From the hundreds of meatballs he handmade for our veterans fundraiser, to all the personal histories he brought to life during our cemetery tours – he was always looking for another event to plan with a smile and the reassuring remark “Don’t worry, we got this.”
Jerry will go down in our history as an amazing person, friend, and an outstanding member of the Historical Society of South Amboy. As we mourn the loss of a dear friend, we offer our deepest condolences to his family. We will celebrate his life by sharing his stories, remembering all the wonderful times we’ve had together, and finding a way forward without his endless dedication and inspiration.
God Bless You Jerry

Anna Harris Friberg
1919 ~ 2017